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The Creative Independent ...

The Creative Independent is a growing archive of the creative process.

We’re a small staff supported by Kickstarter, a company whose mission is to help bring creative projects to life.

While we may sometimes overlap with Kickstarter, The Creative Independent is its own entity, covering both the well-known and the unknown.

On thecreativeindependent.com, we’ll publish interviews with creative people that won’t only focus on a subject’s latest work; instead, we’ll explore ongoing themes, the process of making, and how creativity enriches the lives of people in the everyday world.

What is the definition of creativity? What is the definition of independence? Why are they important, and especially together? Can you be creative if you don’t show your creation to anyone? Can you be independent if you’re one thread in an overall tapestry? Is creativity inherently good? Is it okay to be dependent? (These are some questions we'll explore.)

Individuals from a broad range of disciplines (art, music, literature, film, etc.) will tell their stories. There will be no ads. We believe these stories will amass into something over time, hopefully something valuable and rich.

We’re happy to be here,

Brandon, Charlotte, Cole, Laurel

Coming September 2016

“You will circle through some of the issues over and over, each time at a different level. There is no such thing as being done with an artistic life. Frustrations and rewards exist at all levels on the path. Our aim here is to find the trail, establish our footing, and begin the climb ...”

— Julia Cameron, The Artists’ Way