Mitch Horowitz
Mitch Horowitz is a historian of alternative spirituality, and one of today’s most literate voices of esoterica, mysticism, and the occult. He is a writer-in-residence at the New York Public Library, contributing lecturer at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, and the PEN Award-winning author of books including Occult America, One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life, The Miracle Club, Daydream Believer, and Uncertain Places. (His book Awakened Mind is one of the first works of New Thought translated and published in Arabic.) He has written on everything from the war on witches to the chequered career of professional skeptic James Randi, and he hosted and produced a feature documentary about the occult classic The Kybalion directed by Emmy-nominee Ronni Thomas and shot on location in Egypt. Visit him on Twitter and Instagram.