What we collect

We collect and process some information about you so that we can provide you with the best experience of The Creative Independent. That includes:

How we share your information

We may share the information we collect about you:

How We Use Your Information

We’ll use the information we collect about you to:

We do not and will not sell your information.


We want to communicate with you only if you want to hear from us. We try to keep emails to a minimum and give you the ability to opt out of any communications we send. We will send you certain email communications, in accordance with your preferences, and from which you may opt out at any time. We may send you service-related announcements on the rare occasions when it is necessary to do so.

Cookies & Other Technologies

Cookies are tiny data files that are issued to your device when you visit a site and that store information about your use of a service. The Creative Independent uses cookies and other technologies like them to improve the quality of our Services and make your experience on The Creative Independent more meaningful.

Here’s a summary of some of the types of cookies we use:


Performance cookies help us route traffic between servers and understand how The Creative Independent is performing, so we can provide you with the best experience possible.

Analytics and research

Cookies and other technologies also help us to understand, improve, and research features and content on The Creative Independent. For example, we may use cookies to understand how you are experiencing the site or to determine which types of browsers or devices are accessing The Creative Independent.


Please contact us to modify or delete the personal information you’ve provided to us.

On request, we’ll give you a copy of all the personal information about you that we hold. This information is subject to a fee not exceeding the prescribed fee permitted by law.

People under 13 are not permitted to use The Creative Independent on their own, and so this Privacy Policy makes no provision for their use of The Creative Independent.


If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us.