The Creative Independent

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A small plant seedling

On taking breaks

The Creative Independent is taking a break this week. We don’t do that often. In fact, for the past three years we’ve published something new just about every single weekday. It’s what we do.

Something you learn quickly in life: breaks, while important (essential even), are not always possible. You want to pause, but you need to pay the bills, put food on your table, meet a deadline, finish a project, or take care of your family. When breaks are possible, though, it’s worth leaning into them, unplugging if you can, and finding a way to reset.

Really, it’s hard to keep up with everything thrown at us, and more and more people can burn out without necessarily realizing it. It becomes habitual. We should all try to avoid that happening to us, if we can.

So, for the first time in our history, we won’t be publishing anything here for a full week.

What will we be doing instead?

We may be out in a field or in a coffee shop or on a farm upstate or climbing a hill or the stairs inside of a fourth-floor walk-up or at a museum. We might be working on a book or a painting or a residency or a poem. Maybe we’re making waffles. We’ll be somewhere, and you’ll be somewhere, and then we’ll be back, and maybe we’ll see you back here as well.

Until then, we hope you’re able to make the most of your time and use it in a way that feels useful. We’ll be trying to do that, too.
