TCI Transmission 09: Give Everybody Everything: The Financial Life of Bernadette Mayer
April 18, 2019
TCI Transmission 08: Guided studio soundscapes for experimentation and new media
March 15, 2019
TCI Transmission 07: Carried by currents that care
January 24, 2019
TCI Transmission 06: Lonnie Holley on the possibility in a zillion grains of sand
November 5, 2018
TCI Transmission 05: Dispatch from Basilica Hudson
September 5, 2018
TCI Transmission 04: Guided meditation for channeling creative energy
August 27, 2018
TCI Transmission 03: Perry Chen and composer Tyondai Braxton on finding creative focus
July 1, 2018
TCI Transmission 02: Describe your website
May 13, 2018
TCI Transmission 01: Snail Meditation
April 17, 2018
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