TCI readers on emotionally preparing for 2018
How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By drinking tea slowly every day.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By gaining skills that support my long-term desires.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By reminding myself daily of what makes me happy.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By calling friends a lot and supporting them and their work.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By taking risks, and by considering potential outcomes—but not fearing them.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By taking pauses between the bullet points on my list to let myself do nothing.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By making a plan, and following it. By taking breaks when needed instead of quitting.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
This year, the first thing is finding a stable job. In fact, even if that’s all I accomplish this year, that’s enough.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
Through planning, routines, letting go of my ego, and being okay with starting small and seeing slow progress.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
Spending time in productive activities, and less time reading news on my phone and scrolling through social media.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By looking for and celebrating the good. Taking time to be grateful. Identifying my soft spots and being tender with them.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By taking more time to understand how to be good to others. By being patient in waiting for others to find their best selves.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By getting lost in the process of creation without judging it, and by realizing that everything I need to create is right in front of me.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By taking 20 minutes out every day with a timer to work on each project. Setting deadlines and making manageable to-do lists to check off.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
I’ll achieve by desired feelings by thinking, moving, creating, working. Walking. Listening actively. Looking at trees, birds, and plants.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By taking my time. Telling people I love them. Trusting myself, and learning to trust the world and others without forging boundaries. By taking my vitamins.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By embracing weirdness and queerness and being brave enough to show it to others. And by developing my view of the world and my place within it.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By being honest about how I’m feeling with the world, in both simple and complicated times. This year I want to find my limits and push them, nudge them, feel them out and then define them for myself.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
This year I’m splitting 2018 into four quarters, like you would the business year. Q1, Q2, etc. In this case, though, “Q” is for Quest. The Quest is to take on a new creative project each quarter of the year in something I know little or nothing about.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
I think I can achieve my desired feelings by taking it easy this year and not putting so much pressure on myself to “succeed.” What I want is simple: good company. I want to be surrounded by my friends, good eats, cheap beer, cool art, and nature. This year is about keeping it simple and appreciating the feeling of “home.”

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By giving myself more credit. I actually know very well what I want, what I need, what I am (and can be) good at, what matters to me, and what’s right for me. All I need to do is trust my gut and commit. This year, no endless ruminating and agonizing is necessary.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By doing new things I’ve never done before. And, by doing the things I always do in new and different ways. By monotasking. By planning less far in advance, and not thinking so much about what comes next. By giving less shits. And by straight up saying no.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By not wasting energy on people and things that don’t help to nourish or sustain me. By working on building slow connections with the right people. By asking for what I want, and by being direct. This year I want to admit my needs and desires, and admit that it’s ok to ask for help.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
This year, I want to be mindful of where my head is at. I want to be forward-thinking while still involved in the aspects of my life that have always given me joy. I want to be more available for friendships and family relationships. I want to take time for self-care while also exercising care and support for others.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
I want to spend more time reflecting on what makes me happy. I was recently asked “what is the best thing I created this year” and I didn’t have a good answer. I think if I spend less time reacting and more time moving in focused directions, I’ll be able to achieve my desired feelings. That might mean treating my personal goals more like work goals.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
This year I want to feel like I’ve done something—something important and impressive and intelligent and daring—but also like I deserve it. It’s hard to feel like you deserve praise when you’re always pushing yourself to be better. Every flaw of my creative work feels like a deficiency in myself, y’know, but I know it’s not. My hope for 2018 is to be able to fuck up—and therefore be able to take bigger and more exciting risks—without feeling like I’m no longer worthy of making art.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
By embracing joy and softness as forces for radical change. When things feel crazy, take a nap and drink some water. This year I want to worry less about everyone else, go to bed at a reasonable hour, and read more books. I want to show affection even when it feels vulnerable to do so—perhaps especially when it feels vulnerable to do so. I want to give myself credit when it is due, which is more often than I tend to believe.

How will you achieve your desired feelings in 2018?
This year I will surround myself with those that believe in what I am trying to achieve. I will take breaks when necessary, but only to reset myself in order to return to my goals with as much gumption (or more) than I had when I had began. I will revel in the little things and not let an accomplishment go by without celebrating what has been done. I will always remember how lucky I am to be working on tough and important problems of my own choosing, and will not let the inevitable struggles of solving these problems get in the way of my appreciation.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Being lazy.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Being afraid.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Eating meat.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Eating gluten.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Judging others.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Putting things off.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
The endless scroll.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Staying up too late.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Lying to my parents.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Reading comments.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Worrying about money.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Being so hard on myself.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Trying to control everything.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Comparing myself to others.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Feeling guilty over everything.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Being on my phone for no reason.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Thinking that anything is impossible.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Doubting the worth of what I’m doing.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Collecting material things I don’t need.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Lending the hands and time I don’t have.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Spending so much time on Twitter. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Expecting myself to be anything but who I am.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Waiting a long time to respond to correspondences.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Exploring the abyss so much when I am stressed out.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Telling people I was late because I couldn’t find my keys.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Putting too much pressure on myself to thrive immediately.

Is there anything you can stop doing in 2018?
Wasting time by passively consuming instead of creating or contemplating.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Writing more.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Drawing more.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Singing louder.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Free-form dance.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Waking up earlier.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Leaving the house.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Working out, haha.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
S l o w i n g d o w n.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Drinking more water.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Listening to KD Lang.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Listening to my heart.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Meditating every day.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Keeping a daily journal.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Doing things for the hell of it.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Taking better care of my body.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Creating something every day.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Being more of a voice than an echo.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Stepping outside my comfort zone.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Letting things just be what they are.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Saving towards my goal of $10,000.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Having more offline days (or weeks!).

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Reading something thoughtful each day.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Meeting new people, no matter how scary.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Accepting that my music isn’t for everyone.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Existing in the world outside of my own body.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Keeping my place clean, and inviting more people over.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Jumping in without thinking of every reason why I shouldn’t.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Presenting myself as I am. Being more honest. Being more kind.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Loving myself more and focusing on my physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Is there anything you can start doing in 2018?
Taking concrete actions to change the parts of my circumstances that bother me.